Poet Joshua Bennett inspired students, teachers and parents with his spoken word.
News & Events
From basketball to food security, Marleigh Jackson makes big contributions.
The discipline Henry Greenberg learned from wrestling assists him in academics and music.
Brendan Lee brings over 20 years of experience in organizational security and crisis management.
A group of 21 Penn Charter students and faculty attended the NAIS (National Association of Independent Schools) People of Color Conference and Student Diversity Leadership Conference in Denver, Colorado.
Did You Know?
From tending gardens to campus scavenger hunts to walks in the nearby Wissahickon, the natural environment is a teacher for students in all divisions. Environmental sustainability is interwoven through our curriculum.
Pre-kindergarten through 12
Faculty : Student Ratio
More attention, lasting connections
Acre Campus
Green, open space moments from Center City
Family Zip Codes
Students from every neighborhood, including yours
Financial Aid
To achieve socioeconomic diversity, Penn Charter awarded $10M in need-based aid last year.
Founded in 1689, Penn Charter is the oldest Quaker school in the world.
This green campus within one of the nation's most populous cities offers expansive space for athletics, outdoor classrooms and play, plus easy access to scholars, cultural events and service opportunities.