A curriculum based in problem-solving and pre-algebraic thinking.
Across our Lower School we use a math curriculum titled Math in Focus, a precise framework of concepts and skills that are taught concretely, pictorially and abstractly. The program is designed to help students build conceptual understanding through a focus on problem solving.
Math in Focus is a mastery program that addresses fewer topics, but in greater depth, at each grade level.
There are five strands that guide our teaching and learning:
- Metacognition: monitoring of one’s own thinking, self-regulation of learning
- Attitudes: beliefs, interest, appreciation, confidence, perseverance
- Processes: reasoning, communications and connections, thinking skills and heuristics, applications and modeling
- Concepts: Numerical, algebraic, geometrical, statistical, analytical
Skills: numerical calculation, algebraic manipulation, spatial, visualization, data analysis, measurement, use of mathematical tools, estimation
We support and expect our students to:
- Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them;
- Reason abstractly and quantitatively;
- Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others;
- Model with mathematics;
- Use appropriate tools strategically;
- Attend to precision;
- Look for and make sense of structure; and
- Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Students manipulate stackable cubes to practice adding two single digit numbers. The class gathers in a circle to practice and share work, stemming from the knowledge that we can learn and grow from our own and others’ thinking.