Lower School Library Curriculum
The goal of the Lower School library curriculum is to foster in students a love of reading and an enthusiastic approach to the process of information literacy. We strive to develop students who are information literate, ethical and independent learners. Students are introduced to various genres of literature during library visits. Students learn information literacy skills in their regular weekly library classes and in additionally scheduled classes to support research projects throughout the year.
Information Literacy Skills
Students who are information literate can:
- access information efficiently and effectively
- evaluate information critically and competently
- use information accurately and creatively
The library staff collaborates with classroom teachers and the technology coordinator to teach skills that build the student’s ability to use the library and its resources as a reliable source for their reading and information needs. When students develop the skills and strategies for using the library and its resources independently, they are gaining skills that they will carry forward to other libraries and information sources.
Library Classes
Library classes are a combination of exposure to the best of children’s literature and instruction in critical information literacy skills. Students in pre-kindergarten through fifth grade have a scheduled library period once each week.
The library curriculum is organized around three concepts:
- Stewardship of shared library materials
- Selection and interpretation of high quality children’s literature
- Information literacy