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Our Penn Charter traditions are special moments and experiences that bind us together as a community and provides a consistent link to our past, present, and future. Read below as some of our PC Ambassadors share a few of their favorite PC traditions that have stayed with them throughout the years.
Davina K. ‘23
Favorite PC Tradition: PC/GA Day
"Arguably, my favorite Penn Charter tradition is PC/GA day. The history of PC/GA day is quite impressive as it is the oldest continuous high school football rivalry in the United States, and takes place between Penn Charter and Germantown Academy. However, we don’t just participate in football that day. We compete in all fall sports consisting of Field Hockey, Cross Country, Water Polo, Soccer, Golf, and Tennis as well! This past PC/GA day marked the 134th year of this tradition with Penn Charter winning 5-4. Out of 134 years played, PC has won 86 times, GA has won 38 times, and there have been 11 ties. I always look forward to this day because it is a great time to cheer on my friends as they participate in their fall sports, eat churros and Crab Fries in the stands, browse and buy new PC merchandise, and enjoy the overall excitement, camaraderie, and friendship on the field. PC/GA day embodies our school’s strong spirit and reinforces the great sense of community that makes me proud to be a PC Quaker!"
Jackson H. '22
Favorite PC Tradition: Senior Stairs
"At Penn Charter, there is a grand staircase that greets you as soon as you enter the front doors under the clock tower. It is right in the center of the main Upper School building and makes getting around very easy and convenient… if you are a senior. See, from 9th grade to the end of Junior year, the “Senior Stairs” are off limits to all students except for members of the senior class (and faculty and staff). The tradition of passing on the senior stairs is one of my favorites at Penn Charter.
I can remember the day I learned about it when visiting the school during 8th grade, and I can certainly remember gazing upon the stairs every day for the past few years patiently waiting until it was my turn to use them. One thing that makes the tradition so special is the ceremony that takes place between the seniors and juniors to pass the stairs down to the next class. Every year before the seniors graduate, they all line the stairs and clap for the juniors as they walk past them on the stairs for the first time. This “walk” makes their new status official as they not only inherit the senior stairs, but assume all the responsibilities that come with it as the student leaders of the school. It is a special moment that allows the rising seniors to strengthen their bond as a class and reflect on the memories they have made over the years. Without a doubt, it was a day I was looking forward to for a very long time and one of the best traditions at Penn Charter. I cannot wait until I have the opportunity to pass down the stairs to the new senior class next year!"
Bella T. '23
Favorite PC Tradition: Friends Multicultural Day
"Friends Multicultural Day is one of my favorite traditions at Penn Charter. This event is an opportunity for students to both learn about different backgrounds and identities, as well as explore unique passions and interests throughout the day. One of the most special things about Friends Multicultural Day are the student-led workshops. These workshops are created, planned, and taught by students. The variety of workshops are astounding with some examples of previous workshops being: How to be an Ally?, An Immigrant’s Experience, Representation of Women in Film, TV, and Media, Happiness 101, and Cooking Across Cultures. To finish off this great day, all of the students join together for an afternoon of student performances in the Meeting Room. Students showcase everything from singing, writing, and performing music, to reciting poems and demonstrating their talents in dance and film. Friends Multicultural Day is a great way for the student body to come together, learn from their peers, and support each other as a community."
Macy K. '23
Favorite PC Tradition: 8th Grade D.C. Trip
"One of my favorite traditions at Penn Charter is the eighth grade Washington D.C trip! Along with learning so many interesting facts and stories about United States History by visiting monuments and museums, this trip provided us with great memories and a chance for our grade to spend time with each other outside of the classroom. Because the trip takes place at the beginning of the year, it was also a great way to get to know our teachers, as well as bond with the new students in our class! One of my favorite memories from D.C was walking around the Natural History Museum with my group and getting to explore all of the different exhibits. One of my favorites was Sant Ocean Hall, where we learned about a variety of ocean species and ecosystems. It was exciting to have this hands-on learning opportunity and apply what we were learning in the classroom to a real world experience. It is certainly a trip that I will never forget. All upcoming eighth graders should definitely be excited to experience this PC tradition with their classmates!"
Grace A. '24
Favorite PC Tradition: Color Day
"Color Day is by far the most memorable tradition at Penn Charter and definitely my favorite! It is always the Friday before Memorial Day where students, parents, alumni, faculty and staff gather together to participate and watch friendly competition.
At Color Day, there is something for everyone and that is what has made it such an enjoyable experience. I love seeing everyone wearing the school colors and applying their blue and yellow face paint before the start of the event, getting excited to watch the many races, and taking part in the amazing food and activities with friends! There’s an incredible spirit on Color Day that serves as a strong reminder of the strong sense of community at PC. Since this is a school-wide event, it is a time where everyone comes together, cheers on their team, and bonds with one another regardless of their grade. Whether I am screaming until my throat is sore to cheer on the kindergartener’s as they run on their first-ever Color Day or just laughing with my friends at the fact that we are most likely going to lose or race again this year, I am always making memories that I will look back on for years to come. Even though I am only in 9th grade, I am counting down the days until I am a senior and can help my team win that final rope pull!"
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