Senior Comp 2021 Speakers Series

As part of the Senior Comprehensive Project, a series of thought leaders and practitioners speak to students. The speakers align with students' projects and are intended to be informative and a resource for their project.  

Speakers in 2021 include:

Tia Lyles-Williams, Founder, LucasePye BIO 

Anne Gemmell, Founder, Future Works AlliancePHL

Ruffian Tittmann, Executive Director, Friends of the Wissahickon

Kristin Lide-Hall, Assistant Chief Program Officer, Share Food Program

Steve Grosswald, Executive Director and Founder, Mission Philadelphia

Zoraida Cordero, Promise Corps Manager, City of Philadelphia

Katherine Jacobson, Founder Fellowship, On Deck

Bill McKinney, Executive Director, New Kensington CDC

Maria Sourbeer, Vice President of Development, Shift Capital LLC

william penn charter school senior comprehensive project 2021 speakers series