
Environmental Sustainability

William Penn Charter School is committed to the Quaker testimony of stewardship. We continually develop our educational program to include environmental concerns, teaching our students to be good stewards of the earth. We make decisions around resources that are mindful of their ecological impact. By cultivating a respect for nature and the interconnectedness of the world’s systems, we inspire students to become lifelong stewards and agents for global change.Mission Statement

4 pre-K students in small cluster with clipboards outside. one girl raises clipboard over her head
students do a rope pull from four directions

Supported by the Strategic Vision

Penn Charter's Strategic Vision articulated a "green" strategy for the school — and that initiative is well under way. These pages demonstrate some of the exciting work in classrooms and clubs. 

Tom Rickards, Coordinator of Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability

Green Team

Alice Bateman | Kevin Berkoff | Jennifer Chernak | Joel Eckel | Brooke Giles | Beth Glascott | Carol Ann Gross-David | Michael Moulton | Orit Netter | David Nichols | Lisa Turner | Peter Shaifer | Doug Uhlmann | Laura Valdmanis | Steve Wade

Highlighting Student Work

Learn About Sustainability at PC