TLC Learning Opportunities
Lunch & Learns and After School SessionsDaily faculty-led workshops on a variety of topics. Learn while enjoying lunch, snacks and good company.
Classroom VisitsFaculty members open up their classrooms to one another for observation and mutual learning.
Critical Friends GroupsAn opportunity for colleagues to collaboratively examine their teaching methods and student work with the aim of growing their professional practice and ensuring an excellent education for all students.
Roundtable DiscussionsFaculty are invited to come discuss a specific aspect of teaching.
Learning GroupsLearning groups meet once every 4-6 weeks to share knowledge around a specific area of interest. Below are recent topics:
- Learning about Mind, Brain, Education Research and its Implications for Teaching
- #BARWE, "Building Anti-Racist White Educators"
- Project-Based Learning Group
- Meaningfully Using Homework to Promote Learning
- Using Metacognition and Digital Portfolios to Promote Deep Learning
- Parents of Young Children
- Disability, Neurodiversity, and Inclusion
- Critical Friends Group
- Courage and Renewal in Quaker Education
- Chatbots Are Taking Over . . . or Not: The future of AI and learning through an interdisciplinary perspective.
One-to-one SessionsFaculty offer one-to-one sessions in topics of interest, sometimes as an extension of a TLC session or when faculty members are unable to attend a scheduled TLC session.
PC Cultural EventsThis series was developed to promote camaraderie and cultural development among faculty and staff. Faculty/ staff are offered a free ticket to their choice of cultural events during the year, including theater productions, concerts, walking tours and more.
Jefferson University PartnershipThe TLC offers additional workshops and professional development opportunities through its partnership with Jefferson University.
Online LearningFaculty and staff gather to watch and discuss webinars from Teaching Tolerance, ASCD and other online learning platforms.
Wellness OpportunitiesFaculty and staff build camaraderie and foster wellness through activities like yoga, rock climbing, knitting, morning fitness, mindfulness and more.