
Endowed Funds

Why Is Endowment Important?

Penn Charter manages its endowment, which totals more than $80 million, as a private individual might manage a savings account: The principal is invested, and the money realized by those investments is available for spending or for further savings.

Each year, Penn Charter uses endowment earnings to pay for more than 7 percent of the school’s operating budget, thus significantly reducing the amount of tuition the school would need to charge to pay for the cost of our program. The remaining return on investment is added to the principal so it can continue to grow.

Penn Charter’s first endowed fund was established in 1702 by Samuel Carpenter, who was appointed Overseer by William Penn in 1711. Our history of extraordinary generosity from alumni, parents and friends is evident by the evolution of our endowed funds program. Support for endowment demonstrates a commitment to ensuring the future of our school and is an opportunity for donors to create a lasting legacy. All great schools possess outstanding endowments. Those who contribute to Penn Charter’s endowment can take great satisfaction in knowing that their gifts are benefiting the school now and in the future.

Gifts to the endowment may be unrestricted or restricted. A considerable portion of Penn Charter's endowment is comprised of 249 separate and distinct endowed funds. Of these funds, half are designated specifically to support financial aid or faculty salaries. Funds are organized under headings of general, faculty, scholarship, library and other. For a complete list and descriptions of all the named endowment funds, please visit these pages:

Endowment Gift's Impact

Gifts of endowment play a major role in the financial sustainability of the school. If you would like to learn more about the specific funds that comprise our endowment, please contact:

Christopher Rahill

Christopher Rahill

Interim Director of Development
Stephen Bonnie

Stephen Bonnie

Director of Stewardship and Special Projects; Social Studies Teacher